Friday, September 26, 2008

Oooh awkward

I subbed at JDS today in 5th grade but ended up with a great 1st grade story. First graders say the most ridiculous yet oddly mature things. Developmentally, they can sometimes seem like adults trapped in kids' bodies.

Last year, my sixth grade students were reading buddies with a kindergarten class. We'd go every 2 or 3 weeks on a Friday to read with the younger kids. Today I walked into a first grade class and one girl shouted, "Hey Mr. Arkin. Tell Julianna I say hello." Even if I was still teaching daily at JDS, Julianna would have moved to the Upper School, but I said, "Well, actually I can't tell her because I don't teach here anymore."

Her loud response: "Ooooh, awkward."